Sequence of 13 is sacral. It is the pulse of the Sun.
–Ivo Puriņš / shaman and decoder of Mayan Energy Matrix
Time develops in spiral motion. It flows counter-clockwise. In a sequence that repeats itself. Over and over again. What changes it and accelerates evolution is your INPUT.
We are used to think that time is a linear line. However, there is a sequence that also develops in other dimension. Like lemon peel. Like strands in DNA. And also, where pieces of a sequence are quantum entagled with other bits of sequence somewhere else (rhythmically and regulary) along the timeline.
13 day wave is a sacral code and a fundamental sequence of evolution in Mayan Energy Matrix known as Mayan Calendar. It is a reflection of universal flow of time (energy) in a mathematical progression.
Within awareness of this 13 day wave giving order of 20 energies we gain knowledge and access to harmony, movement and transformation that naturally and organically happens universally. We could reference here 4 corners of the Cosmos as they shows up in the 4 dominant energy groups: East, South, West and North. In contrast to 7 day week count that repeats itself all over again into linear progression without clear acceptance and understanding that cycles repeat itselves in smaller or larger fractals of time. Gently put, we could consider that Gregorian Calendar is a covert over real pulse of energy happening daily with potential for evolution. A hijack of natural order and divine blueprint.
Currently 99% of humanity run a hamster wheel of 7 day week that brings no resolution of understanding of their own (divine) progress. For most, it is 5 days of work, 2 days of rest and it starts all over again.
91 day rhythm is the pattern that has been manipulated by rulers and priests (Vatican invented the name Calendar and it literally means ‘account book for registering taxes’, look it up yourself) holding the knowledge since ancient day. It has been this ‘7 day week’ since ‘the beginning of time’. As society we are unaware of this orchestrated shift in day count and division that has took place to cover up the 13 day wave.
Rulers of ancient day (as well as today) were well aware that this way, by cutting society off from understanding of development of time (or spiraling energy that builds matter in spacetime) would benefit their power structure.
By living under time division of 7 day week humanity have lost understanding of their evolution and are unable to direct energy as efficiently as it has been intended by Source.
RHYTHM 91 can be expressed and more importantly, experienced in two different ways:
91 days = 13 days (whole energy wave) x 7
natural progression that brings awareness, assistance of Natural world and Divine Communion through reading symbols and energies. Count of 13 day wave brings full development of energy into human being, it offers resolution and continuum of evolution.
91 days = 7 days in working week (backed by Bible) x 13
unnatural division of time: the same amount of ‘time’ passes by, but we are unaware of the 91 day cycle of materialisation that happens within this timeframe and evolution (spiraling) of energy that takes place. In this case 13 is rejected, and we are unaware of it.
When two people meet they perceive each other with corresponding key energy. Maya or illusion in 3D matter form is expressed through 20 energy aspects that represents God/Source.
Our innate wave is 13 energy spectrum that defines how we percieve life. Wave is an individual measure. Finding out your wave spectrum reveals how you operate in life: love, work, and fulfillment, money and stability, life’s purpose, goals and dreams. Oftentimes your wave is not the same as your partner’s that defines areas where we need to learn and love each others’ differences to co-create.
Each person operates a set of 13 energies that is know as individuals ‘innate wave’. Like 13 energies, 13 coats or attires of individual expression that serves purpose to express the unique blueprint of your avatar = reveals what you are here to do on Earth. Did you really think you came here just to eat, drink and repeat yourself? Fairy giggles
Concept of ‘invisible buttons’ can be explained as music. A pereson has a specific frequency or ‘song’ that your body, aura, Divine Source counterpart (composition of seen and unseen within you) is emitting into the timespace.
Each personal interaction is a unique combination of these ‘songs’ or frequencies. Some encounters sound like symphony, some sound like this unpleasant accord you may not want to repeat.
Maya Energy Matrix widely know as Mayan Calendar is how you consciously can gain awareness of what this music may or will sound like, and you can also decipher what the lesson with specific individual coming into your life.
In this sense Maya Energy Matrix is a tool for quiet discernment of blessings earned and lessons learned.
We could say that the very nature of our connection is ‘written in time’ or more precisely, written in energy code or frequency patterns. What brings the difference for witnessing or utilising it for growth, is your awareness.
To gain more knowledge of keys and their meanings within 13 day wave, continue below.
1 of 13 isyour innate key (that you acquire by the day you were born into) is your number that shows how you unlock each wave of time. That could be considered the main key of your avatar. However, the whole spectrum of 13 energies are available to you. Each energy corresponding to a KEY reveals the expression of this energy in your life specifically. If you need help, finding your innate key, read this article:
KEY 1 – BENEFACTOR, the core. Trough this nawale (energy) a person is feeling and connecting to inner authenticity. It is what a person thinks/how sees himself. Inner selfportrait.
People with KEY1 cannot lie. They do not posses inner duality. Their life is like first love. They learn from their mistakes and are keen on improving themselves.
KEY 2 – DUALITY, the opposition and sexes. Energy that is used in opposing oneself to the world and then merging back into totality. This energy is expressed by an individual when communicating with opposite sex, in love relationship.
People with KEY2 are imposing the importance of their status. They are talented to be ‘liked’ and are skilled at manipulating.
Energy that is expressed when a person is ACTIVELY SERVING the whole.
People born with KEY3 are light, uplifting, vibrant in their expression. They don’t get tired from working, on the contrary, they accumulate energy by ‘doing’.
Energy/nawale that must be obtained to feel safe, balanced and self-sufficient. People with KEY4 are dependant on material comfort. They are well aware of true colours and values of the world.
Person translate this energy when expressing individual view and talent. People with KEY5 add vibrancy, dazzle and dynamics to anything they touch. They need to express themselves in creative endeavours or hobbies.
Energy is expressed when overcoming difficulties. Energy on this key in person’s wave shows what skills has to be embodied/translated outwards to successfully communicate with others.
Note that couples interact using those energies that are on their own 6th key. Learning to master your 6th key energy is crucial to navigate harmoniously in a partnership.
People born with KEY6 are to acquire mastery in partnership. Their lesson is to learn how to love truly.
Energy on this key shows how a persons life and actions affect timespace. It is the power of heart and obsession.
People with KEY7 are born to change the world and leave a legacy. Oftentimes they are closely influenced by highest powers.
Refers to the energy that brings stability for the soul to live and thrive. Energy that balances a person back into harmony.
People born with KEY8 are self-sufficient. Their very presence is harmonising for others around them.
Nawale on KEY9 on what terms we connect to the soul of the world and the Highest Self. Connection to collective mastermind.
Those born with KEY9 are more satisfied and happy than majority. They don’t need approval for their importance.
Trough this energy a person is involved with an egregor of some kind, and is translating its will. This energy is in operation when a person are taking charge, giving orders and taking responsibility.
Also, this energy is dominant in governmental structures.
People born with KEY10 are powerful, honest and responsible. They are highly aligned with their principles of life no matter what power position they may find themselves in.
Energy on KEY11 are in action when a person needs to apply maximum of their inner resource. It is a hero moment. People are ready to sacrifice their life for a principle that falls under key11.
People born with KEY11 are extremely selfless in nature. There is always space for heroic deed in their life. Their life is a challange.
This energy brings completion of the process/wave. It refers to stability in the realm of spirit. There is a sacred reference as there are 12 apostles of Jesus or 12 knights of King Arthur.
This key has a quality of chosen one to it. People born with KEY12 are gifted by spirit and has a higher patronage in their life. No matter where they find themselves in there is kindness and wisdom surrounding in their presence.
This energy connects us to our drive and motivation in life. It is there on the horizon that is somehow always in front of us, being seemingly out of reach. This motivation is like a light at the end of the tunnel.
People born with KEY13 are incarnated on Earth to complete a karmic cycle, to transform the old into new. On their path of life there are no random people, every encounter has a deeper meaning.
My name is Sabine M Berzina. And I am an artist and spiritual intuitive with in depth knowledge in ancient cultures, symbology, numerology, quantum physics and body technology.
I have been working with Mayan Sacred Calendar system since 2019 after completing transmission by my teacher, shaman and decoder of Mayan Sacred Energy System Ivo Puriņš who’s translations of mystical Mayan Calendar is approved by original Ixil Quiché masters. His teachings being authorised as authentic source of ancient knowledge and welcomed to be spread in the world to rise awareness, moral and ethical way of being that benefits all of existence.