Universe speaks to us in symbols and synchronicity. It is a universal language often left unnoticed by many. However, it gives us access to deeper layers of everyday routine.

20 nawales or energy descriptions here are codes of symbolisms and poetic reference points that forms a larger mathematical pattern. A construct that we perceive as time.

This Sacred Mayan Energy Matrix (aka know as Mayan Calendar) is really not about counting time. Infact, it is an ancient compass for navigating energy realm. And today it is just about time we entrain ourselves with subtle planes of existence.

This article below provides descriptions of 20 energies that serves as a poetic code to vast aspect of Source expression.

This is one of the most valuable translations of Maya Calendar: showing of 20 God aspects reflecting POLARITIES. 

If you are learning the basis of 20 energies this is basically your ‘shortcut bible’. 

NOTE: flow/direction of progression of material realm is Counter-clockwise 

This dial shows a specific feature of the calendar : all energies are grouped in pairs. Both expressing different but deeply interconected aspects of a principle. 

For example: a diognal of transformaton KIMI/KIB

Energy of KIMI is transforming trough complete change whereas KIB energy is eliminating the excess, harvesting the trash and recycling it into new ways of being. 

Note that each energy is expressed in opposites of directions by its colour : 

/ East 🟥

/North ⬜️

/West 🟦

/South 🟨

For example: diognal AHAW – OK is expressed in Ahaw being a south aspect and OK being a North aspect. 

Source of dial/image: toltectime.com

Descriptions of 20 nawales or energies


AHAW / The gates of God, butterfly

Direction: South 🟨

Goodwilled, kind and generous at their core expression. Confident, mindful, strategic, naturally  spiritually developed, clear and direct in their communication. Great friends. 

Ahaw individuals project their light and sun-filled approach to life that is magnetic to others. Their presence translates their inner light and wise mind. 

Their mission in life is to be a beacon of spiritual understanding and direct others to see just that. They propagate fait and surrender to Most High, to power of God. They are a source of sense of safety in times of crisis. 

Selective when it comes to choosing friends or people they let close to their heart space. However, in a situation to defend their loved ones or help them Ahaw individuals are ready to do anything. 

They may tend to be even too confident that sometimes leads to life lessons. Their presence affects others in positive, harmonious way. They exude heaveanly peace. 

Ahaw woman is wise. She knows her worth, at the same time being able to accept and forgive. Ahaw man is versatile and honorable.


IMIX / alligator, ancestral, primodial Mother

Direction: East 🟥

Nawal Imox represents the collective consciousness, the great ocean. It is the moment before the “big bang”, when all that existed was the dream of the creator. It is everything and nothing in one place, the ovum from which reality was conceived. 

Imox is still very much in the other world, requiring another component to physically manifest the dream into reality.

Imox is considered to be a feminine nawal. Sometimes called water lily, sometimes crocodile, it is an embodiment of the primordial. It was from the great ocean that the four first men raised to create the world which we inhabit. Imox can also be seen as the Darwinian swamp from which all life emerged. It is fertile and creative, the mother that gave birth to our entire reality.

Imix individuals are charismatic, brave and caring. Gifted with exceptional, primal intuition and memory. They are bold in their expression and may even seem wild and cannot be tamed. 

Dominating and powerful persona of Imix people are exuding mystical primal presence. They are productive, cheerful and has well developed temper. They may be egoistic, stubborn and has a tendency to exaggerate. 

Their ideas and actions are pure, inducted by primal impulse of creation. Their presence makes others feel connected reminding of our Eternal collective origin. 

Their impression on others are like guardian, older-brother figure that motivates to grow.

Imix woman may seem untamed in her expression, loves nature and animals.

Imix man is caring, guardian-like and autorative.


IK / wind, me, individuality, ego

Direction: North ⬜️

Adaptable personality with fierce, rapid temper, generous imagination and great sense of spoken word. 

Their temper is changing from black to white in a second. Their ability to adapt to situation gifts them with sense of opportunity everywhere they go. 

Good memory, comprehensive mind, communiction skills and talent of speech. They are great orators. 

Their imagination is so vivid they has no other option but to believe in their own fantasies until they become reality. 

Their presence stimulate others to come up with unique ideas and concepts. 

IK woman is active and loves change. IK man is very productive and tends to develop great skill in their field.


AKBAL / well, the deepest, highest expession of hidden power, king’s bullet

Direction: West 🟦

Sign of Night (Akbal) — all-consuming darkness, solitude. The meaning of the sign is the underworld, the night, the world of dreams. The patron of the sign is the God of the underworld. 

The ancient Maya believed that wisdom can be found only by facing internal demons — fears. Each person must make a trip to his “house of darkness”, where after experiencing spiritual death, he can be reborn. Akbal — a sign of the highest wisdom, reflects the desire for renewal, spiritual rebirth.

Whatever happens on this day yields deeper meaning.

Night is a sign of luck and tests that must be overcome on the road to success. People of this day all their lives try to achieve harmony, trying to get the better of internal fears. Cleverly combine contradictory qualities: uncertainty and strength, resilience and generosity, concentration and dreaminess. 

True ability to maintain a reasonable balance, to maintain dignity in any situation is not so easy. The reserved person is full of emotions, which he carefully conceals, painfully perceives criticism and remarks. Has a rich imagination, finds solace in fantasies and dreams.

Hard-working people of the sign of Night persistently achieve their goals. Usually they reach unprecedented heights in their careers, but not at the expense of luck , although it is not necessary to completely discard these important components of their success. They work hard and give themselves to their favorite business. Independent people who are courageous in their actions are considered excellent leaders.


KAN / lizard, clown, magic seed

Direction: South 🟨

Lizard Mayan sign (Kan) — fertility, harvest, wealth. The meaning of the sign is the yellow seed, maturity. The patron is the goddess Mam.

The ancient Maya used the image of a lizard as the embodiment of abundance, a symbol of fertility. In the Mayan culture, the Lizard symbol symbolizes the time of harvest ripening. It was in the summer that ritual dances were held, calling for the help of the forces of nature, including the Dance of Mais. 

The Lizard sign is a symbol of a growing maize, gradually gaining strength, hence the second name of the sign is Grain.

People of the Lizard sign boldly implement their plans. They have enough strength, perseverance, not to fall in front of difficulties, but their quality is most important — observance. Are able to make out important little things that are inaccessible to the gaze of other people, but which significantly affect the essence of the matter. 

The Lizard prefers not to hang in the clouds, but to solve pressing problems. She readily helps relatives, acts honestly and nobly in the most difficult situations. A noble nature generously shares not only his experience and knowledge, but can provide material support.

Workability, diligence, practicality — qualities leading a person Lizard to prosperity. Often people of this sign are successful businessmen, famous politicians. They have the talent to make good deals, but too unwise to squander their vitality, are influenced by negative feelings: envy, jealousy. 

Anger carry destruction, while the man of this day is born for creation. Internal contradictions can lead not only to a spiritual crisis, but also to problems at work. People of the Lizard sign should be able to control emotions, only in this case they will be able to fulfill their mission — to make the world better.


CHIKCHAN / snake, feeling details, close the ground, zoomed-in, life-force

Direction: East 🟥

The Serpent is a sign of magical power, it is believed that people of this day have unique abilities. Strong intuition helps them predict future events. 

For them how happy their life will be, depends largely on the ability to correctly decipher their visions.

Mayan sign Serpent (Chiccan) is energy, a driving force, spiritual development. The meaning of the sign is the Milky Way. 

For Maya Indians, the Serpent means the Divine or Supreme Vision. 

It was believed that the deity of the Heavenly Serpent, who knows how to take many forms, encircles the world: the upper face is directed to heaven, the lower one is the gateway to the underworld. 

In ancient hieroglyphs, a Serpent is often seen as a zigzag of lightning. It can be considered a symbol of energy, the force contained in the base of the human spine. Thus, the sign of the Serpent symbolizes the connection of man with the Higher Forces.

Serpent individuals feel great in a creative environment, where there is no precise schedule, you can work on the mood, the main thing is a good result. Periods of labor activity can be replaced by months of downtime. This is the character of the man of this day: an organic combination of opposites


KIMI / death, complete transformation, surrender, release, burning the bridges, owl

Direction: North ⬜️

The sign of KIMI is an inner strength, harmony. The meaning of the sign is the Wanderer between the worlds, the patron is the God of death Ahpuh, the symbol is the Skull.

The ancient Maya believed that death is a process of rebirth, moving to the next, higher stage of development. Therefore, the moment of transition to another world, full of tranquility and harmony, can not be perceived as a negative event.

Being born on the day of Kimi is a great success, you can treat it as a sign of inner certainty, harmony, wisdom.


MANIK / hand, deer, actor embodying a role

Direction: West 🟦

People born in the sign of Manik have great analytical skills, unusal strenght and contrastingly alluring softness. When knocked down they get up easily.

Skilled diplomats, embody various characters and roles, at the same time seeking for truth. Problem solvers that has innate skill of seeing opportunities in any situation. 

They protect others, however, sometimes get confused when they have to defend themselves. In a group setting they operate as unifying factor. Being nearby help others formulate/express their thoughts, concepts and ideas. 

Manik woman is erudite and intellectually active. They often take pride in their origin or ancestry. Their expression may seem aristocratic. 

Manik man knows how to leave an impression of importance. They are often admired by women as they project an image of woman’s desire. 

Mayan sign of Deer means acquisition, extraction. The meaning of the sign is the hand, the protector is God deer Tohil. In the ancient Mayan manuscripts, the Gods of the hunt are depicted with scorpion tails, which end with the hand. The Manic symbol is a compressed hand, the hand of a hunter. The Indians believed that the God of the hunt equally patronizes the people and their victim — a deer. According to legend, when people approach, God hunters with his whistling, warns the deer about the danger. At the heart of the myth is the idea typical of the Maya Indians: deer and hunters are not enemies, they are one in the cycle of birth and death. The Mark of the Deer is a symbol of the sacred rhythm of life, to which all living things on earth obey.


LAMAT / star, magnetism, abundance, star, moon, rabbit

Direction: South 🟨

Principle of magentism and gravity. This energy is representation of fullness and abundance. Energy that pulls in all of its desire. Maturation. Cornucopia. 

Person of LAMAT are focused in harmony, peacefulness and prosperity. Their life is full of change therefore their lesson is to learn to find inner strenght to trust life, let go and flow. 

Representative in nature, person of LAMAT looks for bright emotions, unforgettable sensations. Tries to avoid the society of boring.  Life is a fun adventure to enjoy. 

The meaning of the sign is the star, the patron is the Moon Goddess Ichkhel, the totem animal is a rabbit. The Star sign is associated with Venus, symbolizing the continuous cycle of death and rebirth. Ancient Maya was considered the personification of Venus by the ugly God of Lakhunchan, which generates panic and chaos in a drunken frenzy. His intoxication was associated with the image of Rabbit, whom the Maya associated with the Moon. It was believed that Rabbit has the talent to create, multiply life’s goods, he is a symbol of abundance. From here comes the second name of the sign — Rabbit, the Moon.


MULUK / cloud, rain, acceleration of information, the stock, retribution, offering, Akashic library

Direction: East 🟥

The energy of Muluk expresses the idea of inner potential hidden deep within. Water being a fluid medium harnessing information is embodyment of this vastly powerful archetype. An accumulation of knowledge. 

Ancient Mayan Indians believed that jade and water correspond to each other in importance, symbolizings the life force: jade is a great jewel, water is the most sacred of natural forces.

Muluk individuals are gifted with universal knowledge and wide outlook. Information is their drive and nourishment. They love to express their knowledge by leading people that makes them great natural leaders and counselors. They may be impulsive or act oppressively.

They are guarded by their deeply nourishing and powerful inner energy. Nature has endowed them with a sufficient supply of internal resources, fortitude and will, so if desired, they can overcome any difficulties in their path.



OK (OC/TZ’i) — dog, assistant, adviser, Gates of Underworld, sensual love, material world

Direction: North ⬜️

Mayan Dog Sign represents material form, embodiment and human nature. It is a sign of sensual love but also unconditional love. It brings loyalty, friendliness and compassion. 

Encountering OK energy in your life, like meeting an individual born in sign of OK signifies a breakthrough. 

The hieroglyph of the day depicts a Dog, but there is another option — the foot of a man. According to legend, the time arose in the process of moving the foot of God through the universe

The sign represents faith in the best, the triumph of the strength of the spirit.



CHUWEN – dancing monkey, innocence, inner child, humour, artistry, spontaneity, trickster, disruption, transparency 

Direction: West 🟦

CHUEWN (also BAATZ) is the day of creative spark. It invites you to go out of comfort zone and see magic. Chuwen is reflected in purity of inner child. Invitation to create and to play.

This day has a tendency to make fun of those that feels to serious of their own importance. It reveals absurdity. 

Moodswings. Impulsive flashes and insights. A burning match. 

Ideas that you start implementing today, can be done quickly. If these insights are left to ‘marinate’ they dissipates. 

Presence of magic today is more palpable, more easy to access and harness into reality


EB – path, broom, cornucopia, chalice, road

Direction: South 🟨

All gears moving smoothly as a whole. 

Walking the path together. 

Everything that happens on a day of EB is equally important. 

This day gives a notion where it is evident: you are an important part of the WHOLE and all parts of the whole are of equal importance. We are all connected. 

Equality, brotherhood, friendship.

Organizing group activities are best today as energy among everyone is proportionally distributed leaving a feeling of connection and fulfillment.


BEN – bamboo stem / divine urge / force of growing / reaching for the sky / King’s sceptre 

Direction: East 🟥

BEN days are for forming intentions and setting goals. The clearer you are in your intention, the better BEN energy is going to respond to you in manifesting them. BEN energy is the very force and essence of manifestation. 

If you do not have a clear intention yet, BEN energy aids in forming these intentions. BEN days responds best to confident approach and strong will power.  It aids in our acceleration and elevation of position. It amplifies your magnetism in order to attract circumstances and people to aid with realising your intention. 

On days of BEN it is easier to see our karmic ties and connections that links us in energetic realm.  

On days like these people are more bold, confident and courageous in their expression.






XISH – jaguar / master magician / illusionist / quality / ‘raw stone to diamond’

Direction: North ⬜️

XISH individuals are both mystical and pragmatical, warriors and dreamers. They may challenge themselves, while remaining discernment and cool mindset. In their purest expression these individuals are highly efficient.

XISH individuals are multidimensional in their mindsets and expression, they can go as far as even holding opposite views. Ability to hold dual vision is what allows them to attain even magical outlook on the world and environment. They have sharp minds that pierces many dimensions and gives them ability to see underlying interconnectedness. They move through life like a jaguar in the darkness, quiet, focused and confident. 

XISH individuals are highly practical. Whatever they touch, they are able to mold it and turn it into a diamond. Loving to take risks they are unpredictable. Being multifaceted personalities they sometimes may even seem superficial to those around them. They are exuding magnetism that both attracts people and may even scare them away. 

XISH woman are feline-feel like nature, inner or outer. XISH men are highly skilled in all they put their hands on, practical, excellent taste of humor.


MEN – eagle / wide horizons / all seeing eye / grand scheme of things 

Direction: West 🟦

MEN energy is that of higher vision and interconnectedness above all. These individuals are bringing grand vision into being, they are dreamers of great scale as well as leaders of thought. 

MEN individuals are charismatic and has sharp mind, they love freedom and feeling of ‘flying high’. Their focus is always on ‘the world’ observing larger systems and processes. 


KIB – vulture / recycling the old / building bridges / transformation / finding value in what remains to transform it into new 

Direction: South 🟨

KIB energy is that of transformation through forgiveness. 

Burn everything in your mental realm that you wish to let go. 

If there is an excess in any field of your life, KIB energy will distribute it and things will harmonize finding its right places. 

It is easier to sell something on the KIB.

Today we interact with the world by being in the flow. We discern what serves our evolution. So we let go of what does not and we nurture what we want to amplify. 


KABAN – evolution, power of thought, actor invents its own role, directing potentials, details form a picture

Direction: East 🟥

KABAN is nawale of evolution. Claiming yourself as creative force there is great creative drive that expands in all directions. KABAN represents the creative mind. Where there is now one tree there is potential for a forest. Details that compose a larger outlook. 

Accumulation of human desire, re-organising itself in a new arrangement (it can be both positive or negative). Energy is materialised either in a circle (non-productive) or a spiral (evolution). 

This energy has a tendency to unite human force to fulfill a common goal increasing the ‘weight’ or importance of the aim itself. Processes initiate evolution with branching off and evolving further. 



ETZNAB / mirror, true essence, lack of illusions

Direction: North ⬜️

Gifted with ability of discernment and objectivity. See essence of things, duality of life. Rational and intuitive at the same time. To others they may seem  too rational, even harsh. However, they have innate kindness, helpfulness and sense of fairness. Naturally feels a need to help those in a weaker position. 

Tend to look after traditions as well as love mysticism. 

In material, spiritual and emotional plane their dynamics are the same: they cut of the excess and reveals the true essence of things. 

Their presence tends to expose underlaying truth and opposite view point of any subjective perspective.


KAWAK / thunder, rain, Akashic messenger, catharsis

Direction: West 🟦

Brave and noble individuals that motivates and uplifts others. They have an ability to accept reality as it is and infiltrate any place or situation. They naturally fit-in. They flow like water. 

In their true form they reside in the energy of abunance. Effortlessly they gather around them mind-like people and followers. Excellent co-operation skills and ability to translate great revelations to others, makes them charismatic leaders. 

At the same time they are not ambitious and have capacity to accept reality in its true colours. This open approach to transmit incoming information makes them good messangers of Divine insight. Hence Kawak is also known as Akashic postman. 

Their inner fulfillment is gained trough transformation and re-birth. Transformation is what they propagate with their presence and persona. 

Kawak woman is very fluid, emotional and empath at her being. Kawak man may not talk much but he accomplishes great things.



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